Song – “Row, Row, Row your Boat”
Song – “Deep and Wide”
Game – “Calm the Storm”
- One time Jesus was out in a boat with his friends, and a great storm came up that really scared everyone. Jesus calmed the storm because he didn’t want his friends to be scared.
- Have all children hold on to the parachute. First make gentle waves, then huge ones. Add balloons and see first if the children can keep them on. Then if the storm was fierce. When the leader says “Calm,” everyone has to stop at once like the waves did when Jesus asked.
- Follow the Leader: clap, hop, turn around, put arms up, sit down, hands on hips. Discuss what it means to follow a leader and be a disciple..
Story Magnifier – Sink the Boat
- Jesus and his friends were crossing a lake in a boat when a storm occurred. Jesus stopped the storm and made the boat go back to gently bobbing up and down.
- Give each child a Styrofoam cup and have them decorate it with crayons. Place a piece of playdoh in it as the people (it keeps it from tipping easily. After finished place in tub of water to see it float.
Art – Storms
- The swirling sea that in our story almost knocked Jesus’ friends out of the boat, but Jesus took care of his friends by stopping the storm.
- Use chalk to make your own scary storm.