Song – “Jesus Hokey Pokey”
Song – “If you are Happy and you Know It”
Game – Water Race
- Divide the children into two teams. Give each team two clay pots, one with balls in it. Have the first child race down around a chair. When they get back, they “pour” the “water” into the next person’s empty clay pot.
- Can also play a form of hot potato by passing one clay pot around while singing. The person whom has the pot when the singing stops has to sit in the middle until replaced by the next pot holder.
Story Magnifier – Drink Changers
- Jesus preformed his first miracle by turning pots of water into wine.
- Decorate the pots and color one side of the pots tops blue for water and the other side red for wine. After coloring, use a glue stick to glue folded paper together.
- Flip the paper over to go from water to wine.
Art – Clay pots
- In Jesus’ time water and wine were kept in clay pots. At the wedding, Jesus preformed his first miracle by changing the water that was in the pots into wine.
- Using modeling magic, give each child a small portion to make their own clay pot or water holder.