Song – “Father Abraham”
Song – “Down in my Heart”
Game – “Happy to See You”
- Abraham and Sarah welcomed their guests into their home and made them comfortable. Now we are going to welcome each other. While bouncing a ball to one child at a time, the teacher says “I am happy to see (child's name).” Continue till everyone's name is said. Then we pass the ball around the circle to each child, the entire class says the name of the child holding the ball.
Story Magnifier – Welcome Sign
- Talk about how Abraham and Sarah’s home was a tent and how to be a good friend like Abraham and Sarah.
- Spell out WELCOME, one letter per piece of paper. Give each child a letter to decorate. Once the children in your group are finished decorating their letter, use sticky tack and spell out welcome on the wall, as many times as you can.
Art – Smiles Puppets
- In our story today, Abraham and Sarah welcomed their guest with smiles. You are going to make a smiling puppet. Use a paper bag and decorate to make a person.