Song – “Zacchaeus was a Wee Little Man”
Song – “If you are Happy and you Know It”
Game – “Tree Tag”
- It was not easy for a rich, well-dressed man to scramble up a tree, but Zacchaeus did it. Just like Zacchaeus, we want to see Jesus and spend time with him.
- Define the boundaries that children need to stay in. Select one child to be “it.” Children run from one designated safe area to another without being tagged. If tagged, the child stands frozen with arms outstretched to look like a tree. They remain a tree until a runner tags them.
Story Magnifier – Tree Climber
- After meeting with Jesus, Zacchaeus decided to stop cheating people and pay back even more than the amount he had cheated. Jesus can help us change too.
- Color the tree. Add a paper Zacchaeus to a strip of paper. Thread the paper through snips to make him climb the tree.
Art – Coin Purses
- Zacchaeus collected too much money from people, then gave back four times as much as he took. Jesus wants us to be sorry when we do wrong.
- Show children how to fold a paper plate into a coin purse (younger ones need more help) by folding the sides in about two inches, then folding in half. Secure with a staple in the bottom of each side. Punch holes in top and thread yarn through. Decorate with crayons