What is Cherub Church you ask?

Cherub Church is St. Jude's Religious Education Preschool Program, offered during the 10:30 Mass in the early childhood area of the Parish Center basement. Preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, engage in interactive activities to reinforce the Bible point of the day. Through this program, preschoolers develop a sense of community and belonging to the parish of St. Jude.

A Greedy Son

Story - The Jesus Story Book page 272

Song – “Father Abraham”

Song – “Deep and Wide”

Game – “Where’d They Go”

  • Talk about how happy the father was when his son returned.
  • Have children hide their eyes and pick one child to sneak away from the group and hide around the corner.  Once children open their eyes, they try to guess who is hiding.  Have children welcome the missing child back to the group either by hugs, or a shout of “yeah”, etc.    

Story Magnifier – Pig Slop

  • Farmers feed pigs a mixture of leftover foods.  The Greedy son finds himself wishing he was allowed to eat what he is feeding to the pigs.
  • Use playdoh to make left over food for pigs to eat.

Art – Muddy Pigs

  • After the greedy son squandered his fortune, he got a job feeding the pigs.
  • Cut out a pig and glue on paper. Paint brown to be the mud.