What is Cherub Church you ask?

Cherub Church is St. Jude's Religious Education Preschool Program, offered during the 10:30 Mass in the early childhood area of the Parish Center basement. Preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, engage in interactive activities to reinforce the Bible point of the day. Through this program, preschoolers develop a sense of community and belonging to the parish of St. Jude.

Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Story - The Beginners Bible p. 438

Song – “If you are Happy and you Know It”

Song – “I may never march in the infantry"

Game – “Hear and Follow”

  • Form a circle and have one child in the middle close his/her eyes. Pick a child in the outer circle to be Jesus.  That child says “I will heal you.”  The Bartimaeus in the center has to guess who spoke.
  • For more of a challenge, rotate the circle when the person speaks and/or spin the center person

Story Magnifier – Felt Board

  • Have the children help you retell the story using the felt pieces on a flannel board.

Art – Glasses

  • Draw inside the lenses of glasses how you see the world.