What is Cherub Church you ask?

Cherub Church is St. Jude's Religious Education Preschool Program, offered during the 10:30 Mass in the early childhood area of the Parish Center basement. Preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, engage in interactive activities to reinforce the Bible point of the day. Through this program, preschoolers develop a sense of community and belonging to the parish of St. Jude.

Creation days 1-2 Light and dark and the sky

Story -  Pray & Play Bible p. 2

Song – “He's got the whole world in His hands”

Song – “If you are Happy and you Know It”

Game – “Night and Day”

  • Use parachute and to talk about light and dark. For dark, have children run under the parachute, for day, come out. Use the phrase “Let there be light” to have the kids come out.  Call the child under by the coloring of clothing they are wearing, by gender, by hair color, etc.  Use the parachute and toss cotton ball clouds. 

Story Magnifier – Working in Darkness

  • In our story today, God created day and night.  Give each child a piece playdough under a box or under a paper bag.  Have them create something in the dark and talk about how important light is.

Art – Daylight Coming Through

  • In our story today, God created day and night.  Stick contact paper shapes on a piece of paper.  Have children paint over them with black paint.  Remove the contact paper to let the daylight come through.