What is Cherub Church you ask?

Cherub Church is St. Jude's Religious Education Preschool Program, offered during the 10:30 Mass in the early childhood area of the Parish Center basement. Preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, engage in interactive activities to reinforce the Bible point of the day. Through this program, preschoolers develop a sense of community and belonging to the parish of St. Jude.


Story - The Beginners Bible p. 154

Song – “Father Abraham”

Song – “I may never march in the infantry"

Game – “Stick Together”

  • When we all stick together, we’re very strong.  Loyalty is a strong bond that keeps us together. People who are loyal to each other, like Ruth and Naomi, help each other.
  • In this game, everyone must walk on the masking-tape lines.  If you get tagged by the person that is it or fall off the lines, you sit down and count to 5.  If the person it gets close to you or your friends, hold hands.  You cannot be tagged while holding a friend’s hand, but you cannot hold hands for longer than 5 seconds.   

Story Magnifier – Ruth in a Bottle

  • God wants us to love our families.  In our story, Naomi thanked Ruth for showing love by gathering the barley for food.
  • Have children gather the food items from around the area.  Add a heart into the bottle or love and place the food inside the bottle.  
  • When home, children can pop the lid off and scatter to feed the birds and squirrels. 

Art – Friendship Hands

  • God is our most loyal friend.  He wants us to follow His example by being the kind of friend others can trust, just like how Ruth and Naomi were loyal friends.
  • Trace each child’s hand on the piece of paper.  Give each child 2 Wikki sticks (cut in half to make 4 shorter ones) to make a sculpture that sticks together like Ruth and Naomi.