What is Cherub Church you ask?

Cherub Church is St. Jude's Religious Education Preschool Program, offered during the 10:30 Mass in the early childhood area of the Parish Center basement. Preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, engage in interactive activities to reinforce the Bible point of the day. Through this program, preschoolers develop a sense of community and belonging to the parish of St. Jude.

St. Valentine

Story - The Story of St. Valentine

Song – “Down in my Heart”

Song – “Skidamarink”

Game – Blindfold Challenge

  • In our story, a blind girl brought food to St. Valentine in jail and a miracle occurred.  After St. Valentine thanked her and prayed for her, the blind girl was able to see again. 
  • Lay out five different colors of paper.  Two children at a time will put on blindfolds.  They will be handed a colored beanbag and asked to try to place it on the correct color paper with help from their friends (For younger they can guide by touch.  For older use voices).

Story Magnifier – Deliver a Message

  • The King did not like St. Valentine’s helping young couples get married, so he put him in jail.
  • Hand out a half of envelope to each child.  Have everyone find the envelope that matches them to make a complete envelope.  Once found, deliver it to “St. Valentine” together.

Art – Valentines

  • People send cards called “Valentines” to show our love for friends and family, just like cards were sent to and from St. Valentine.
  • Decorate the pink heart with stickers and markers (older kids can cut their heart and younger can snip around their pre-cut heart).